Welcome to
Haven Sanctuary for Women
...dedicated to restoring lives, renewing faith and providing hope to single women with or without children.
"Pure religion undefiled before God and the Father is this:
to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world"
~ James 1:27
~ Alecia
John 15:12
"My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.”
"Six months ago I had no knowledge of Haven and today, I cannot imagine where our family might be without them. The Haven program has equipped and empowered my daughter using faith based guidance. Haven has showered her and her children with love and acceptance restoring her hope and showing faith in action."
~ Scott T. Miles, M.D. FACOG
"Haven, Sanctuary for Women bridges an important gap in providing for the crucial spiritual and physical needs of women that find themselves in the unfamiliar position of being single. This unique ministry bridges generations and does not discriminate with regards to age, race, or socioeconomic status thereby delivering care and support to the women who need it most. I heartily applaud and support this Ministry for its unique mission and vision."
~ Mother of a client
"Haven was instrumental to me and my kids. I went through a divorce after 20 years of marriage and was not prepared for all the stresses and fears and heartbreak that go along with being a single mom. Our very first Christmas was the hardest. Haven came in and provided Christmas for my 3 kids. It was an amazing thing and was so nice in the midst of all that seemed to be going wrong. Haven leadership is loving and caring. They did not just take care of material needs they truly cared about me and my spiritual well being. I love what Haven stands for and have helped to counsel women in the same situation as I once was."